These conditions rule the allowed use of the page, that is a mercantile society GOMEZ ZARDOYA, S.L., with registered office in Cebollera, 15, Sotillo del Rincón, 42166 Soria, Spain, with TAX number B42149625, registered in the Registro Mercantil of Soria, puts at the disposal of persons of Internet users.
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- These general conditions regulate the access and use of the site (in hereinafter referred to as ‘the website’) that GOMEZ ZARDOYA freely makes available to Internet users. The access to it implies acceptance without reservation. In addition, the use of certain services offered on this site is governed by the specific conditions laid down in each case, which shall be accepted by the mere use of such services.
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- The personal data that are provided by email or Web form will be recorded in a file of GOMEZ ZARDOYA, aiming to answer consultations and commercial purposes. Who can exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition, by postal mail, before GOMEZ ZARDOYA, S.L., Calle Cebollera 15, Sotillo del Rincón, province of Soria.